This capital infrastructure project involves the installing of 16’x8’ combined box sewers, regulator chamber on 48” interceptor (including a sluice gate), tide gate chamber, and fourteen other chambers in Southeast Queens.
The Resident Engineering Inspection (REI) team implemented Value Engineering Principles when the contractor suggested replacing the pour-in-place box sewer with precast double barrel box sewer. The field team reviewed the contractor’s proposal, brought it in line with DDC guidelines and then submitted for approval. The proposal reduced overall time for the operation and related expenses. Its installation took eleven months, significantly shorter than what was expected for pour-in-place sewer. And it utilized 2 crews instead of anticipated three. Overall this proposal speed up the project timeline by several months.
A tide gate chamber was added to the project scope. When reviewing field conditions for Regulator Chamber, it was determined that there is potential for the tide to fill the combined sewer and impact the interceptor sewer. Field staff coordinated with NYCDDC, NYCDEP, Contractor and Contractor’s fabricators to develop a tide gate chamber and its gates in accordance with DEP requirements and specifications.